Amy E. Crews
Department Chair
Associate Professor
Courses Taught
- BI 498 - Senior Assessment Seminar
- BI 495 - Research/Internship
- CH 480 - Pre-Health Prof Internship
- BI 480 - Pre-Health Professions Intern
- BI 441 - Biochemistry
- CH 441 - Biochemistry
- BI 241 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BI 111 - Principles of Biology
- UNA 105 - Strategies for College Success
- FYE 101 - First-Year Experience Seminar
- BI 101 - Introductory Biology
- BI 100 - Pre-Health Professions Orient
- EXIT 0 - Exit Examination
- Community Counseling (MA)
University of North Alabama - Veterinary Science (PhD)
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Biology (MA)
Wake Forest University - Biology (BA)
Wake Forest University