Courses Taught
- CJ 591 - Special Topics
- PS 590 - Special Topics
- PS 499 - Independent Study-Practicum
- PS 495 - Government Internship
- PS 492 - Advanced Methods
- CJ 491 - Special Topics
- PS 490 - Special Topics
- RE 490 - Special Topics
- CJ 440W - Research Methods in CJ
- CJ 418 - Regulating Vice
- PS 418 - Regulating Vice
- PS 415 - Ethics and Admin Leadership
- PS 414 - Urban Politics&Administration
- PS 413 - Public Organization and Theory
- PS 411 - Rel, Politics & Pub Policy
- RE 411 - Rel, Politics, & Pub Policy
- PS 346 - Conspiracy & American Politics
- PS 345 - Congress and the Presidency
- PS 342 - Parties, Elections, and Voting
- PS 315 - Model United Nations
- PS 311 - Public Administration
- PS 301W - Pol Sci Scope and Methods
- PS 244 - Public Policy & Administration
- PS 243 - State and Local Government
- PS 241 - Introduction to US Government
- Political Science (PhD)
University of Kansas - Public Administration (MPA)
St. Mary's University - Music (BA)
St. Mary's University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Noe A. Aguado. 2018. Mayor‐Council Form of Government and Policy Responses in Times of Economic Travail.
- Noe A. Aguado. 2017. The Case Study Assignment of Frontline Bureaucracy.
- Noe A. Aguado. 2012. Gender and Careers in City Management. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
- Noe A. Aguado. 2009. Teaching Research Methods: Learning by Doing.
- Noe A. Aguado. 2008. Review of Gambling in the South.
- Noe A. Aguado. 2007. Civic Voluntarism as a Vehicle towards Diversity.
- Noe A. Aguado, Tom Heilke, and Mark Joslyn. 2003. The Changing Readability of Introductory Political Science Textbooks: A Case Study of Burns and Peltason, Government by the People.