SWOT Analysis Data from Constituent Group Meetings
This list is updated periodically to include data of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges obtained at constituent meetings conducted by the Strategic Plan Steering Committee.
Student Affairs - VPSA office, DSS, Conduct, Title IX, UCOEM
Business Services and Human Resources
Student Affairs - Counseling, Health Services, Case Mgmt
Student Affairs - University Police and Transportation
Facilities-Maintenance and Administration Staff, Grounds
Facilities-Custodial Shifts 1 and 2
Facilities - Custodial Shift 3
Information Technology Services
Student Affairs - Engagement, Housing, SRC, FSL, Mailroom
Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions (ACONHP)
College of Education and Human Services (COEHS)
Legislative-SEDA, Chamber of Commerce, Mayors, Local Elected Officials
Student Government Association
Sanders College of Business and Technology (SCOBT)
Kilby School (Faculty, Staff, Parents)
College of Arts, Science, and Engineering (CASE) Group 1
College of Arts, Science, and Engineering (CASE) Group 2