Ansley L. Quiros
Associate Professor
Courses Taught
- HI 695 - Thesis
- HI 640 - Directed Research and Study
- HI 612 - Seminar US History Since 1877
- HI 611 - Seminar in US History to 1877
- HI 599 - Independent Study-Practicum
- HI 579 - History of Religion in the US
- HI 576 - Oral History
- HI 560 - Cold War (1945-1991)
- HI 556 - History of US Since WW II
- HI 499 - Independent Study
- HI 495 - Senior Thesis
- HI 490 - Special Topics
- HI 479 - History of Religion in the US
- RE 479 - History US Religion
- HI 460 - Cold War (1945-1991)
- HI 456 - History of the US Since WW II
- HI 390 - Special Topics in U.S. History
- HI 365 - Black Americans since 1877
- HI 364 - Black Americans to 1877
- HI 301W - History & Historical Research
- HI 202H - Honors US History Since 1877
- HI 202 - US History Since 1877
- HI 201H - US History to 1877-Honors
- HI 201 - United States History to 1877
- FYE 101 - First-Year Experience Seminar
- History (PhD)
Vanderbilt University - History (MA)
Vanderbilt University - History (BA)
Furman University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Ansley L. Quiros. 2021. Review: Rebecca Louise Carter, Prayers for the People: Homicide and Humanity in the Crescent City (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019).
- Ansley L. Quiros. 2021. We Must Reckon With Past Injustice, Review: Wilmington's Lie.
- Ansley L. Quiros and James Strasburg. 2020. Americans Fighting for two Victories in WWII only Got One.
- Ansley L. Quiros. 2019. Review: Remaking the Rural South: Interracialism, Christian Socialism, and Cooperative Farming in Jim Crow Mississippi. By Robert Hunt Ferguson. Politics and Culture in the Twentieth-Century South. (Athens Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 2018. Pp. xvi, 221. $56.95, ISBN 978-0-8203-5179-7.).