Currently, Dr. Chen is an Assistant Professor and Experiential Learning Coordinator in the Department of Geography at the University of North Alabama (UNA). His duties are teaching undergraduate and graduate Geographic Information Science (GIS), Remote Sensing, Quantitative Methods and services courses. Prior to UNA, he worked as a GIS Applications Manager for the Informatics Research Institute (IRI) at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL). H led the development of geospatial capacity at IRI including software development, analytics services, and data science in domains of emergency management, healthcare, and business intelligence. Before joining UL Lafayette, he was a Research Hydrologist at AIR Worldwide Crop. headquartered in Boston, MA. He received his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences in 2008 from the University of Memphis.
Research Interests
- GIS and Big Data Analytics, Water Resources and Hydrologic Modeling, Environmental Hazards
Courses Taught
- GE 699 - Thesis and Research Defense
- GE 697 - Advanced Topics
- GE 695 - Thesis
- GE 692 - Research
- GE 610 - Seminar in Geospatial Science
- GE 597 - Special Topics
- GE 584 - Applied Geospatial Analysis
- GE 574 - Web GIS
- GE 564 - GIS Programming
- GE 515 - Quant Methods in Geography
- GE 497 - Special Topics
- GE 495 - Geography Internship
- GE 487 - Geography Capstone Project
- GE 484 - Advanced GIS
- GE 474 - Web GIS
- GE 464 - GIS Programming
- GE 415 - Quant Methods in Geography
- GE 384 - Geographic Info Systems
- GE 112H - Honors Physical Geo: Landforms
- GE 112 - Physical Geog: Landforms
- GE 111 - Physical GE: Weather & Climate
- Earth Sciences (PhD)
The University of Memphis - Physical Geography (MS)
East China Normal University - Geography (BS)
East China Normal University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Jian Chen, Whitney P. Broussard, David M. Borrok, and Fabiane B. Speyrer. 2019. A GIS-based framework to identify opportunities to use surface water to offset groundwater withdrawals. Water Resources Management
- Satya Katragadda, Jian Chen, and Shaaban Abbady. 2019. Spatial hotspot detection using polygon propagation. International Journal of Digital Earth
- Maria Bala Duggimpudi, Shaaban Abbady, Jian Chen, and Vijay V. Raghavan. 2019. Spatio-Temporal Outlier Detection Algorithms Based on Computing Behavioral Outlierness Factor. Data & Knowledge Engineering
- Satya Katragadda, Raju Gottumukkala, Siva Venna, Nicholas Lipari, Shailendra Gaikward, Murali Pusala, Jian Chen, Christoph W. Borst, Vijay Raghavan, and Magdy Bayoumi. 2019. VAStream: A Visual Analytics System for Fast Data Streams. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC-19)