Lee S. Raney
Associate Professor
Courses Taught
- MA 667 - Theory of Finite Groups
- MA 655 - Complex Analysis
- MA 641 - Elementary Number Theory
- MA 637 - Group Theory
- MA 630 - Foundations of Advanced Math
- MA 615 - History & Phil of Mathematics
- MA 612 - Sel Topics in Math for Teacher
- ENMF 600 - Applied Engineering Prog.
- MA 495 - Directed Research
- MA 491 - Senior Seminar
- MA 455 - Complex Analysis
- MA 451 - Introduction to Analysis
- MA 438 - Intro to Abstract Algebra II
- MA 437 - Intro to Abstract Algebra I
- MA 431 - Advanced Linear Algebra I
- MA 395 - Directed Research
- MA 237 - Linear Algebra
- MA 227 - Calculus III
- MA 181H - Honors Seminar
- MA 126 - Calculus II
- MA 115 - Pre-calculus Algebra and Trig
- MA 110L - Finite Math Lab
- MA 110 - Finite Mathematics
- MA 105 - Intro to Finite Mathematics
- Mathematics (PhD)
University of Florida - Mathematics (MS)
University of Florida - Mathematics (BS)
Florida Atlantic University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Lee Raney and Derek Brown. 2018. .
- Lee Raney and Derek Brown. 2017. .
- Lee Raney and Victoria Davis. 2016. .
- Lee Raney and Victoria Davis. 2016. .
- Lee Raney, W Andrew Craft, and Austin Oldag. 2015. .
- Mark B. Greer and Lee Raney. 2014. Moufang semidirect products of loops with groups and inverse property extensions.
- Mark B. Greer and Lee Raney. 2014. Moufang semidirect products of loops with groups and inverse property extensions.