Matthew D. Balentine
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught
- GE 697 - Advanced Topics
- GE 695 - Thesis
- GE 692 - Research
- GE 520 - Prin of Urban Regional Pln
- GE 504 - Environmental Hazards
- GE 497 - Special Topics
- GE 487 - Geography Capstone Project
- GE 420 - Urban and Regional Planning
- GE 404 - Environmental Hazards
- GE 390 - Urban Geography
- GE 303 - Geography of the South
- GE 260 - People, Place, and Culture
- GE 224 - Fld Methods & Tech in GE
- GE 112 - Physical Geog: Landforms
- GE 111H - Honors Physical Geog: Weather
- GE 111 - Physical GE: Weather & Climate
- Geography (PhD)
University of North Carolina Greensboro - Geography (MA)
University of Wyoming - Geography, General (BS)
University of North Alabama