Stephanie L. Coker
Assistant Professor, Modern Foreign Languages
Dr. Stephanie L. Coker joined the UNA faculty after teaching French in Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Oklahoma. With courses focusing on French language, literature, and culture, Coker also teaches French composition, phonetics, and conversation. She is passionate about introducing students to the cultures of France and the Francophone world, and she enjoys using conversation, music, film, and literature to develop students’ language proficiency as well as their cross-cultural understanding. She has taught summer courses in Paris, France with UNA students (2018, 2019) and with the Kentucky Institute for International Studies (2012). Her areas of specialization include Joan of Arc (in history, literature, film), French cinema, theatre, medieval literature, contemporary French culture, and language pedagogy. Her professional interests include French studies, language pedagogy, and education abroad. Some of the notable courses taught include Joan of Arc in Paris, Literature of the Middle Ages: Expression in Film, French Fables & Fairy Tales, and Foreign Language Culture through Cinema.
Courses Taught
- FR 499 - Independent Study
- IE 499 - Intercultural Experience
- FL 498 - Senior Seminar
- SA 498 - Study Abroad Experience
- FL 496 - Foreign Language Internship
- FR 495 - Senior Thesis
- FL 495 - Senior Thesis
- FR 491W - Special Topics in FR Studies
- FR 420 - Advanced French Grammar
- FR 411W - Survey of French Literature II
- FR 410W - Survey of French Literature I
- FR 403W - Advanced Commercial French
- FR 353 - Commercial French
- FR 352 - Civilization and Culture
- FR 351 - Written Expression in French
- FR 350 - Conversation and Pronunciation
- FL 301 - Culture through Cinema
- FR 202 - Intermediate French
- FR 201 - Intermediate French
- FR 102 - Introductory French
- FR 101 - Introductory French
- French (PhD)
Louisiana State University and A&M College - French (MA)
Louisiana State University and A&M College - French and English (BA)
Mississippi College
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Stephanie L. Coker. 2019. Happy as The Lark: Broadway Presents Joan of Arc. The French Review of American Studies (RFEA: Revue Française d’Études Américaines)
- Stephanie L. Coker. 2015. Joan of Arcadia: A Modern Maiden on Trial. The Middle Ages on Television: Critical Essays.
- Stephanie L. Coker. 2010. Is This Joan of the Archives?: Pizan's Ditié as Factual, not Fictional.
- Stephanie L. Coker. 2007. Student Manual to accompany Vis-à-vis, 3rd ed..