Sunhui (Sunny) Sim
My name is Sunhui Sim and I am an Associate Professor in Geography Department. I completed my Ph.D. in Geography (with an emphasis in Remote Sensing, GIS, Cartography) from Florida State University in 2010. Prior to that, I completed my Master in Geography with an emphasis of Spatial Statistics, urban remote sensing, population mapping from University of California, Santa Barbara in 2006.
Research Interests
- Urban Geography (Smart Growth)
- Crime Mapping
- Hazards (Wildfire, Flood, Hurricane, Extreme Heat), Geographic Information Systems/Science (Urban Growht Modeling, Indicator Development), Remote Sensing (Object-based image processing, Temperature Extraction, Hazard mapping)
Courses Taught
- GE 699 - Thesis and Research Defense
- GE 697 - Advanced Topics
- GE 695 - Thesis
- GE 692 - Research
- GE 684 - Modeling and Analysis in GIS
- GE 624 - Advanced Remote Sensing
- GE 615 - Advanced Quantitative Methods
- GE 595 - Geography Internship
- GE 585 - GIS Applications
- GE 584 - Applied Geospatial Analysis
- GE 564 - GIS Programming
- GE 554 - Remote Sensing
- GE 499 - Independent Study-Practicum
- GE 497 - Special Topics
- GE 496 - Geography Internship
- GE 495 - Geography Internship
- GE 494 - Geography Internship
- CJ 491 - Special Topics
- GE 487 - Geography Capstone Project
- GE 485 - GIS Applications
- GE 484 - Applied Geospatial Analysis
- GE 464 - GIS Programming
- GE 454 - Advanced Remote Sensing
- GE 413 - Geography of Asia
- GE 390 - Urban Geography
- GE 354 - Remote Sensing
- GE 325 - Cartography
- GE 323 - Image Interpret and Analysis
- GE 313 - Geography of Asia
- GE 184 - Digital Earth
- GE 112 - Physical Geog: Landforms
- GE 102 - Global Environment & Societies
- Geography (PhD)
Florida State University - Geography (MA)
University of California, Santa Barbara - Regional Science (MS)
Konkuk University - Geography (BS)
Konkuk University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Sunhui Sim and Keith Clarke. 2020. A Comparative analysis of cities and towns in the Seoul Metropolitan Region: Integrating landscape metrics and census data. Preprints
- Moran Peyton, Ethan Willis, and Sunhui Sim. 2020. Object-Based Image Analysis of Slum Settlements: A Case Study from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities
- Abigail Smith and Sunhui Sim. 2020. Response of Malaria Hazard and Risk to a Hydroelectric Dam in Ethiopia using GIS and remote sensing. Preprints
- Dan Wanyama, Mario A. Mighty, Sunhui Sim, and Francis T. Koti. 2019. A spatial assessment of land suitability for maize farming in Kenya. Geocarto International