Research Interests
- Social Studies Education
Courses Taught
- ED 655 - Evaluation in Modern Education
- ED 644 - Ethics and Education
- ED 634 - Adv Methods of Tch in Hi Sch
- ED 605 - Curriculum Development
- HI 603 - Teaching Methodology
- ED 601 - Methods of Educ Research
- ED 582 - High School Internship
- ED 497 - Special Topics in Education
- ED 482 - High School Student Internship
- ED 480W - Mat & Methods of High Sch Tch
- ED 477 - Curriculum and Teaching
- ED 401 - Eval of Teaching & Learning
- HI 303 - History and Social Sciences
- ED 299 - Human Growth and Development
- ED 0 - Graduate Capstone
- General Social Science Education (PhD)
Auburn University - General Social Science Education (MEd)
Auburn University - General Social Science Education (BS)
Auburn University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Lamont E. Maddox, James B. Howell, and Cory Callahan. 2020. Wise-practice use of visual primary sources: Towards a more interactive presentation of content. The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies
- Cory Callahan, James B. Howell, and Lamont E. Maddox. 2019. Selecting and designing visual curriculum materials for inquiry-based instruction. Social Studies Research and Practice
- John W. Saye, Jeremy Stoddard, David M. Gerwin, Andrea S. Libresco, Lamont E. Maddox, and The Social Studies Inquiry Research Collaborative. 2018. Authentic pedagogy: Examining intellectual challenge in social studies classrooms. Journal of Curriculum Studies
- Lamont E. Maddox, James B. Howell, and John W. Saye. 2018. Designing geographic inquiry: Preparing secondary students for citizenship. Journal of Geography
- Lamont E. Maddox and John W. Saye. 2017. Using hybrid assessments to develop civic competency in history.. The Social Studies
- Lamont E. Maddox and John W. Saye. 2014. Authentic pedagogy and the acquisition of lower-order knowledge in history.. Social Studies Research and Practice
- John W. Saye, Jada Kohlmeier, Thomas Brush, James Howell, and Lamont Maddox. 2013. Assessing the effects of a teacher education program on pre-service secondary social studies teachers' instructional decision-making.. The International Journal of Social Education
- John W. Saye and Lamont E. Maddox. 2013. Authentic pedagogy: Its presence in social studies classrooms and relationship to student performance on state-mandated tests. Theory and Research in Social Education
- Scott W. DeWitt, Nancy Patterson, Whitney Blankenship, Brooke Blevins, Lorrei DiCamillo, David Gerwin, Jill M. Gradwell, John Gunn, Lamont E. Maddox, Cinthia Salinas, John W. Saye, Jeremy Stoddard, and Caroline C. Sullivan. 2013. The lower-order expectations of high stakes tests: A four-state analysis of social studies standards and test alignment. Theory and Research in Social Education