Valeriy K. Dolmatov
Professor, Physics

Courses Taught
- PH 595 - Directed Research
- PH 498 - Senior Assessment Seminar
- PH 495 - Directed Research
- PH 481 - Topics in Physics
- PH 480 - Topics in Physics
- PH 471 - Classical Dynamics
- PH 444 - Quantum Mechanics
- PH 343 - Modern Physics
- PH 252 - Technical Physics II
- PH 251 - Technical Physics
- PH 242 - General Physics II
- PH 241 - General Physics I
- PH 101 - Interactive Physics
- Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)
Tashkent State University - Physics (BS)
Tashkent State University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Valeriy K. Dolmatov. 2020. A bizarre state of confined He-3*.
- Alexander W. Bray, David Freeman, Faiza Naseem, Valeriy K. Dolmatov, and Anatoli S. Kheifets. 2020. Correlation-enhanced high-order-harmonic-generation spectra of Mn and Mn+.
- S Saha, J Jose, P S. Deshmukh, A S. Kheifets, Valeriy K. Dolmatov, and S T. Manson. 2020. Effects of relativistic interactions in photodetachment time delay of Br-.
- Valeriy K. Dolmatov, M Ya Amusia, and L V. Chernysheva. 2020. On the e− − C60 elastic angle-differential scattering cross section.
- Valeriy K. Dolmatov. 2020. Spin-Polarized Photoelectron Fluxes from Fullerene Anions.
- Miron Ya Amusia, Larissa V. Chernysheva, and Valeriy K. Dolmatov. 2019. Angle-differential elastic electron scattering off C60: A simple semiempirical theory versus experiment.
- Soumyaji Saha, Jobin Jose, Pranawa C. Deshmukh, Anatoli S. Kheifets, V K. Dolmatov, and Steven T. Manson. 2019. Effects of relativistic interactions in photodetachment time delay of Br-.
- V K. Dolmatov and A C. Edwards. 2019. Impact of a polarizable CN cage on A@CN photoionization versus both e - CN scattering and the size of CN.
- Valeriy K. Dolmatov. 2019. On impact of polarization of a CN cage on photoionization of A@CN: from “dwarf” C20 to giant C240.
- V K. Dolmatov, M Ya Amusia, and L V. Chernysheva. 2019. On the e - C60 elastic angle-differential scattering cross section.
- V K. Dolmatov. 2019. Polarization of the C60 cage by the photoelectron, interior static polarization of C60 by the ion-remainder and atomic-core relaxation in A@C60 photoionization.
- V K. Dolmatov and A Edwards. 2019. Role of polarizability of a CN fullerene cage in A@CN photoionization and e - CN scattering: The size effect.
- Sourav Banerjee, Pranawa C. Deshmukh, Valeriy K. Dolmatov, Steven T. Manson, and Anatoli S. Kheifets. 2019. Strong dependence of photoionization time delay on energy and angle in the neighborhood of Fano resonances.
- Soumyajit Saha, Jobin Jose, Pranawa C. Deshmukh, G Aravind, Anatoli S. Kheifets, Steven T. Manson, and Valeriy K. Dolmatov. 2019. Wigner time delay in photodetachment.