Interested in taking Summer Classes?

If you have been accepted for the fall semester as a freshman and want to take a summer class, follow these steps listed below.  

Prior to May 1, 2020

  1. If you would like to change your expected start term on your application (i.e., from the fall semester to the summer semester), please visit, click “Apply Here,” sign into your MyUNA account and “Start a New Undergraduate” to submit a new application. Select a new desired “Expected Date of Entrance” on this application. If you previously paid the application fee, please select "Previously Paid" and enter the promo code PAID on the Application Payment Page.  
  2. Contact University Advising Services at 256-765-4722 to coordinate academic advising.  
  3. Log in to UNA Portal to register for your summer class.  Preregistration for summer classes is currently open through May 25, 2020.
  4. All new freshmen that choose to take summer classes are strongly encouraged to sign up for Freshman SOAR to get a full orientation to UNA and be advised and registered for fall classes.

After May 1, 2020

  1. If you would like to change your expected start term on your application (i.e., from the fall semester to the summer semester), please visit, click “Apply Here,” sign into your MyUNA account and “Start a New Undergraduate” to submit a new application. Select a new desired “Expected Date of Entrance” on this application. If you previously paid the application fee, please select "Previously Paid" and enter the promo code PAID on the Application Payment Page.
  2. Students will need to attend New Student Advising and Registration on  June 1, 2020 to be advised and registered for summer classes.
  3. All new freshmen that choose to take summer classes are strongly encouraged to sign up for Freshman SOAR to get a full orientation to UNA and be advised and registered for fall classes.