Biology Course Descriptions

Click here to see when the classes listed below are being offered over the next two academic years.

100 (1) Pre-Health Professions Orientation. An introduction to the health professions for freshman and transfer students planning to seek admission to health professions schools such as medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, pharmacy, and physical therapy. Not applicable for credit toward a major or minor in biology; may be used as a general elective. (Fall)

101 (4) Introductory Biology. Cell biology, genetics, evolution, diversity, and ecology, with emphasis on examples that relate to humans. This course may not be used to satisfy the requirements for a major or minor in biology. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week.  (Fall, Spring, Summer).

102 (4) Human Biology. Structure and function of all organ systems in humans, including disease. Fundamental chemical and biological concepts from the cellular to organismal level. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. (Fall, Spring).

111 (4) Principles of Biology. The chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, metabolism, and genetics. Designed for biology and other science majors or minors. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week.  (Fall, Spring)

112 (4) Principles of Biology. Evolution, diversity, and ecology of organisms. Designed for biology and other science majors or minors. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 111. (Fall, Spring)

200W (2) Biological Literature. Training in locating and utilizing biological information in the technical literature and in writing a scientific paper. One class period per week plus additional library assignments. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

241 (4) Human Anatomy and Physiology I. Structure and physiology of the human body, with emphasis on the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, and nervous systems. This course may not be used to satisfy the requirements for a major or minor in biology. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite:  BI 101 with a grade of C or higher or BI 111.  (Fall, Spring, Summer)

242 (4) Human Anatomy and Physiology II. A continuation of Biology 241, with emphasis on the digestive, circulatory, excretory, respiratory, and reproductive systems. This course may not be used to satisfy the requirements for a major or minor in biology. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 241 with a grade of C or higher.  (Fall, Spring, Summer)

302 (4) Clinical Microbiology. Fundaments of microbiology including the study of microbiology with emphasis on health and disease transmission. Topics will include microbial cell structure and chemical composition, physiology and growth, clinical significance, microbial identification, host defense mechanisms, vaccines and therapeutics, and common microbes of individual systems. Emphasis will be placed on bacteria and viruses but fungi, protozoans, and helminths will also be discussed. Two 75 minute or three 50 minute class periods and one 2 hour laboratory period per week. Lecture and laboratory may be offered in a virtual format. This course is not intended for Biology majors. Prerequisite: BI 101 or BI 111 or BI 241. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

306 (4) Genetics. The basic principles of heredity and their significance in the development and function of organisms. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week, plus additional assignments. Prerequisites: BI 112; CH 111.  (Fall, Spring)

307 (4) Microbiology. Fundamentals of microbiology including a study of the history of microbiology, cell structure, physiology and growth, clinical significance, taxonomy and genetics, and ecology of microorganisms and their effects on humans and their environment. Emphasis will be placed on the bacteria, but viruses, fungi, protistans, and protozoans will also be discussed. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112; CH 111.  (Fall, Spring, Summer)

310 (4) Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. Anatomy of selected vertebrates with emphasis on the functional aspects of homologous structures. Two class periods; two 2-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Fall, odd-numbered years)

311 (4) Animal Physiology. The basic physiological processes of animals. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: BI 112; CH 112, 112L; BI 310 is recommended.  (Spring)

312 (3) Evolution. Principles of evolution, including natural selection, speciation, adaptation, and phylogeny. Three class periods per week. Prerequisite: BI 112; BI 200W. (Fall, Spring)

340 (4) Invertebrate Zoology. The morphology, phylogeny, ecology, and adaptive diversity of invertebrates. Two class periods; two 2-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Fall)

341 (4) Natural History of the Vertebrates. A survey of chordates, with emphasis on their phylogeny, classification, general characteristics, life histories, behavior, and distribution. Laboratory will include field work, collection, and identification of local vertebrates. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112.  (Spring)

362 (4) Non-Vascular Plants. A survey of algae, fungi, and bryophytes, with emphasis on reproduction, morphology, taxonomy, and evolution. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Spring)

363 (4) Vascular Plants. A survey of ferns, fern allies, gymnosperms, and flowering plants, with emphasis on reproduction, morphology, taxonomy, and evolution. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112.  (Offered on sufficient demand)

375 (4) Cell Biology. Molecular biology of eukaryotic cells, with emphasis on evolutionary origins, metabolism and bioenergetics, membrane structure and function, and mechanisms of biomolecular production and transport. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: BI 200W, BI 306, CH 112. (Fall, Spring) 

406 (4) Microbial Ecology and Evolution.  The study of microbial diversity, ecology and evolution in the context of microbial community structure and function.  The study of microbial evolution in the context of speciation and genetic modes of adaptation.  The use of modern computational tools to better understand microbial genomes and population diversity.  Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory per week.  Prerequisite:  BI 307; BI 306 recommended.  (Spring, even-numbered years)

407 (4) Applied Bacteriology. Principles and procedures used in the study of the microbiology of diseases, water, foods, air, soil, sewage, and industrial processes. The bacteria will be emphasized. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 307. (offered on sufficient demand)

409 (4) Immunology. The immune response, including the chemical nature of antigens and antibodies, the humoral and cellular response to antigens, and the cells of the immune system and their relationship to each other. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 307; CH 311/311L is recommended.  (Spring, even-numbered years)

415 (4) Molecular Biology. The molecular basis for gene structure, function and regulation of gene expression. Emphasis on understanding current molecular biology methods, performing laboratory techniques, and data interpretation. Two class periods; two 2-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisites: BI 306 and BI 307. (Fall)

421 (4) Ecology. Relationships between organisms and their environment, including the structure and function of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Extended laboratory periods, overnight, or weekend field trips may be required. Prerequisite: BI 112; BI 200W and junior or senior standing recommended.  (Fall, Spring)

423 (4) Aquatic Ecology. Freshwater habitats and their biotas. Qualitative and quantitative techniques for studying lakes, streams, and wetlands will be included. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Extended laboratory periods, overnight, or weekend field trips may be required. Prerequisites: BI 112; BI 200W; CH 112, and junior or senior standing.  (Fall)

433 (4) Embryology. Principles of the development of animals including the molecular and cellular basis for differentiation, with selected vertebrates used to illustrate the development of tissues, organs, organ systems, and body form. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112, and junior or senior standing. (Spring, even-numbered years)

435 (3) Biostatistics. Data analysis for life science majors. The course will utilize real data sets from the life science fields such as medicine, microbiology and ecology to teach application of basic statistical analyses. This course will also be an introduction to contemporary statistical software(s) that students are likely to encounter in employment or research endeavors. Prerequisites: BI 200W and MA 112 or higher with a grade of C or higher. (Fall, Spring) 

441 (3) Biochemistry. Survey of the chemical basis for: bioenergetics; biomolecular synthesis, structure, and function, including enzymology; and major pathways of cellular and organismal metabolism. Prerequisites: BI 306, CH 311, CH 311L. (Fall, Spring)

451 (3) Ornithology. Biology and classification of birds with emphasis on field identification of local species. Two class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112.  (Offered on sufficient demand.)

452 (3) Entomology. Morphology, physiology, and taxonomy of insects, including collection, preservation, and identification of those occurring in the local area. Two class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Spring; odd-numbered years)

453 (4) Southeastern Fishes. Biology and taxonomy of fishes, including field collections of local species. Three class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Summer)

455W (4) Paleobiology. Fundamental biological problems, including speciation, systematic, evolution, extinction, functional morphology, paleoecology, and biogeography will be addresses from the perspective of the fossil record. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory per week. Field trips and/or term projects may be required. Also listed as ES 455W but creditable only in the field for which registered. Prerequisite: ES 132 or departmental approval. (Fall, even-numbered years)

460 (3) Plant Physiology. Physiological processes in plants and their relationship to structure and environment with emphasis on vascular plants. Two class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Spring, even-numbered years)

463 (3) Plant Taxonomy. Plant morphology and taxonomic methods for the identification, classification, nomenclature, and phylogeny of higher plants of higher vascular plants and their distribution and ecology, utilizing all elements of local flora. Two class periods; one 3-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112. (Fall, Spring)

465 (4) Plant Pathology. The morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and management of plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and abiotic factors that disrupt plant structure and function. Two class periods, two 2-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisites: BI 200W and BI 307. (Fall)

471 (4) Parasitology. Morphology, taxonomy, life history, and ecology of parasites of humans and other animals. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 112, and junior or senior standing recommended.  (Fall; even-numbered years)

472 (4) Histology. Animal tissues and a survey of the microscopic structure of the various organs of higher vertebrates. Three class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: BI 305.  (Fall; even-numbered years)

480 (1) Pre-Health Professions Internship. Designed to provide pre-health professions students (pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-occupational therapy, pre-podiatry, and pre-veterinary) direct contact with the health professions and the variety of aspects of health care delivery through supervised observation and instruction at an approved area hospital and/or private practice. Open to junior and senior premedical students with a GPA not less than 3.0 and with approval of the premedical adviser. Not applicable for credit toward a major or minor in biology; may be used as a general elective. Also listed as CH 480 but creditable only in field in which registered. (Fall, Spring)

495 (1-4) Research/ Internship. Independent research or internship on individual projects under faculty supervision for selected biology majors. Schedules work and conferences require a minimum of four hours per week per credit hour. Research or internship may be off campus at a preapproved site with credit depending on scope of project. May be repeated to a maximum of four credit hours. Prerequisite: departmental approval. Special fee:$50.00 for on-campus projects. (Fall, Spring)

498 (1) Senior Assessment Seminar. Review the major subject areas of biology, preparation of a professional portfolio, participation in departmental assessment, and completion of a comprehensive examination for the major.  Prerequisites: biology major and senior standing. Corequisite:  EXIT 000 (Fall, Spring) 

499 (1-4) Special Topics in Biology. A detailed study of a particular topic of special interest. Topics will vary but will be listed in the schedule of classes when offered, and on the students' transcripts. Prerequisite: departmental approval. A $50.00 laboratory fee may be required according to topic. (Offered on sufficient demand)


The following biology courses are offered at the Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory which is located on Dauphin Island, AL. Special fees and frequency of offering for each course are determined by the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, of which UNA is a member school. The number of class periods and laboratories varies according to the course.

205. (2) Marine Technical Methods. An introduction to the hardware of marine science, sampling procedures, processing, station location and field equipment maintenance and operation. Prerequisite: basic science major.

228. (4) Ocean Science. An introduction to the study of oceans, their physical and chemical parameters, the life within them, and their relationship to man.

308. (4) Marine Biology. A general survey of marine plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, the communities they form, and the physical and chemical factors which influence them. Prerequisite: BI 112.

343. (4) Marine Geology. Geology of the ocean basins with special emphasis on the continental shelves, their sediments, and the sedimentary processes at work there. Classroom lectures will be supplemented with hands on field exercises and case studies.  Prerequisites: Junior or Senior and Instructor permit. (Spring, Summer on sufficient demand) 

345. (2) Dolphins and Whales. Lectures, audiovisual presentations, and practical exercises to guide students to further study of the classification, anatomy, and ecology of the cetaceans. Prerequisite: BI 310 or 408.

403. (4) Marine Invertebrate Zoology. A study of the natural history, systematics and morphology of marine invertebrates from a variety of habitats in the Gulf of Mexico, oriented toward a field and laboratory approach. Prerequisite: BI 112.

405. (4) Advanced Marine Technical Methods.  Overview of the instrumentation of marine science, including sampling theory, data processing and analysis, and field equipment maintenance and operation. Classroom lectures will be supplemented with hands on field exercises and case studies. Prerequisite:  junior or senior standing or instructor permission.

408. (4) Marine Vertebrate Zoology. Biology of marine vertebrates emphasizing systematics, behavior, physiology, and ecology of local forms. Prerequisite: BI 112.

411. (4) Marsh Ecology. A study of the floral and faunal elements of various marsh communities. Prerequisite:  BI 112.

412. (4) Marine Ecology. Lecture and laboratory studies of bioenergetics, community structure, population structure, population dynamics, predation, competition and speciation in marine ecosystems. Prerequisites: BI 112.

413. (4) Marine Behavioral Ecology. Principles of animal behavior as applied to marine organisms. Prerequisite: BI 112; MA 345 recommended.

424. (4) Marine Conservation Biology. An exploration of the major threats to marine biodiversity and potential solutions to these threats through practical application of current principles in marine conservation. Prerequisite: BI 412 or BI 421 or BI 423.

425. (4) Introduction to Oceanography. A general introduction to the physics, chemistry, geology and biology of the ocean. Also listed as ES 425 but creditable only in the field for which registered. Prerequisite: general biology, marine biology, or graduate standing.

426. (4) Experimental Oceanography. Planning of field and laboratory data collection and experimentation in the local coastal environment. Course covers hypothesis development, experimental design, statistical analysis of data, data interpretation, scientific writing, and presentations. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing or instructor permission.

429. (4) Marine Botany. A general survey of marine algae (microscopic and macroscopic), as well as salt marsh vegetation, mangroves, seagrasses and maritime forest communities. Prerequisite: BI 112.

430. (1-3) Research on Special Topics.

440. (1-4) Special Topics in Marine Science.