Butler Cain
Assistant Vice Provost, International Affairs/Director, Education Abroad

Dr. Butler Cain is chair and professor in the Department of Communications at the University of North Alabama. He graduated from the University of Alabama with B.A. (’96) and M.A. (’02) degrees in Journalism, and he also received his Ph.D. in Communication and Information Sciences with a focus in Media History (’07) from the University of Alabama. Dr. Cain spent many years working professionally as a broadcast journalist in Virginia and Alabama, including a decade as news director of Alabama Public Radio. He spent six years as the student media adviser and Broadcast Journalism program coordinator in the Department of Communication at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. Before transitioning into higher education, he spent a year teaching English language reading and writing skills in Seoul, South Korea.
Research Interests
- Journalism, Mass Communication
Courses Taught
- COM 580 - Topics in Communication
- COM 565 - Global Media Systems
- COM 555 - Mass Media History
- COM 499 - Internship
- COM 498 - Independent Study
- COM 465 - Global Media Systems
- COM 455 - Mass Media History
- COM 420 - Communication Capstone
- IDS 359 - Special Course
- COM 326 - Broadcast News Writing & Prod
- COM 256 - Fund of Electronic Media
- COM 205 - Communication in a Global Age
- FYE 101 - First-Year Experience Seminar
- Communication Information Sciences (PhD)
The University of Alabama - Journalism (MA)
The University of Alabama - Journalism (BACom)
The University of Alabama
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- E Coyle and Brett B. Cain. 2020. Freedom of the Press, 1500-1804. The Media in America, 11th ed..
- Butler Cain and Kristina Drumheller. 2019. A Rogue Nation: News headline tone in international coverage of North Korea’s September 2017 nuclear test. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications