Jean Ann Helm Allen
Department Chair
Associate Professor
Courses Taught
- HPE 794 - Portfolio Defense
- HPE 695 - Thesis
- HPE 693 - Comprehensive Examination
- HPE 690 - Independent Study
- SRM 685 - Internship in SRM
- HPE 685 - Internship
- HPE 634 - Ad Meth Teach in PEHE
- ED 584 - Multilevel Student Internship
- ED 484 - Multilevel Student Internship
- ED 482 - High School Student Internship
- HPE 450 - Motor Learning
- HPE 401 - Adaptive Physical Education
- HPE 342 - School Health Ed/Elem Sch
- HPE 304 - Methods of Teaching PE P-6
- HPE 300 - Methods PE 6-12
- HPE 213 - Foundations of Health
- HPE 131 - Intermediate Swimming
- HPE 130 - Beginning Swimming
- HPE 105 - Walking/Jogging/Running
- FYE 101 - First-Year Experience Seminar
- HPE 0 - Senior Portfolio
- Human Performance (PhD)
The University of Alabama - Human Performance (MA)
The University of Alabama - Physical Education (BSEd)
The University of Alabama