Miranda R. Bowie
Associate Professor

Courses Taught
- MA 420 - Combinatorics/Graph Theory
- MA 355 - Differential Equations
- MA 325 - Intro to Discrete Mathematics
- MA 295 - Directed Research
- MA 227 - Calculus III
- MA 126 - Calculus II
- MA 125H - Honors Calculus I
- MA 125 - Calculus I
- MA 115 - Pre-calculus Algebra and Trig
- MA 113 - Pre-calculus Trigonometry
- MA 112 - College Algebra
- MA 100 - Intermediate Algebra
- EXIT 0 - Exit Examination
- Applied Mathematics (PhD)
The University of Alabama in Huntsville - Mathematics (MS)
The University of Alabama in Huntsville - Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics -- General Option (BS)
University of North Alabama
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Miranda Bowie, J L. Sewell, and A C. Sinko. 2018. An introduction to set-sized packing. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
- M. L. Roden and P J. Slater. 2009. Liar's Domination in graphs. Discrete Mathematics
- M. L. Roden-Bowie and P J. Slater. 2009. Set-sized(1,3)-domination for trees. Congressus Numerantium
- M. L. Roden and P J. Slater. 2008. Liars' Domination and the domination continuum. Congressus Numerantium