Marie Taylor

UNA Box 5050
117 Willingham
Assistant Professor of EnglishEmail:
Research and Teaching Fields: Early American Literature, Native American Literature, 17th and 18th Century Transatlantic Literature
Institution | Degree | Year |
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN | PhD, Early American Literature | 2017 |
Georgetown University, Washington DC | MA, English | 2009 |
Bethel University, St. Paul, MN | BA, English and French | 2004 |
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:
- “The Sachem and the Minister: Questions, Answers, and Genre Formation in the New England Missionary Project” Early American Literature, vol. 55, no. 1, 2020, pp. 21-46.
- “Recovering Indigenous Kinship: Community, Conversion, and the Digital Turn.” Afterlives of Indigenous Archives: Essays in Honor of The Occom Circle, edited by Gordon Henry Jr. and Ivy Schweitzer. University Press of New England, 2019, pp. 139-155.
- “Apostates in the Woods: Quakers, Praying Indians, and Circuits of Communication in Humphrey Norton’s New-England’s Ensigne.” Quakers, First Nations, and American Indians, edited by Geoffrey Plank and Ignacio Gallup-Diaz. Brill Book Series European Expansion and Indigenous Response, 2019, pp. 30-53.
Textbook Companions and Encyclopedia Entries:
- “Book of Martyrs by John Foxe (Publication of),” “Founding of the Quakers” in Great Events in Religion: Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History. edited by Florin Curta and Andrew Holt. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO, 2016.
- “Early Native Voices from the British Colonies.” Colonial Era to the 19th Century in American Literature, edited by Laura A. Leibman. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Researcher, 2016.
Works In Progress:
- Book Manuscript: Diplomatic Conversions: Sachems, Missionaries, and Writing Religion in Colonial New England (Under provisional contract).
- Scholarly Edition: “Tears of Repentance” and John Eliot’s “Indian Dialogues”: Indigenous Peoples and Missionaries in New England. Co-edited with Laura Stevens and Kristina Bross (Proposal is under review)
Courses Taught:
- EN 221 : American Literature through Whitman
- EN 611: Special Topics in Early American Literature