Midterm Grades Deadline

University Midterm Grade Entry Deadline
FALL 2018 (Full Session) - Monday, October 22nd- 4:30 p.m.

Submission Requirements

Midterm grades are only required for UNA Freshmen and Early College Students enrolled at Florence High School.

For Freshmen Students: Only grades of D and/or F are required for freshmen.  If you do not have any freshmen with grades of D or F, it is not necessary to enter midterm grades for them. 

For Florence High School Early College Students: All midterm grades are required for Early College students enrolled at Florence High School.  Please enter the letter grades into CANVAS and write both the letter and numeric grade on the grade sheet.  Grade sheets must be returned to the Office of the Registrar by the posted deadline.  

Grade sheets may be returned by:

  1. scanned copy emailed to registrar@una.edu or
  2. hand delivery to the Office of the Registrar in 601 Cramer Way, Room 119.


Entering Midterm Grades in Self-Service Banner

Step 1. Log into your UNA portal

Step 2. Click on the Faculty option

Step 3. Chose Midterm Grades from the dropdown under Faculty Grade Assignment

Step 4. Select the Course Title for the course to be graded

Step 5. Enter midterm grades in the Grade Column

Step 6. When finished, click Submit

*Note: Midterm grades are only required to be posted for freshmen with current grades of D or F and Early College students.