Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are subject to the 2024-2025 RSO Handbook guidelines. For additional questions, please contact the Center for Student Engagement at or 256-765-4248.
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Active Registered Student Organizations
Accounting Scholars
All Saints College Ministry
Alpha Delta Chi
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
American Chemical Society, Student Chapter
American Choral Directors Association
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Sign Language (ASL)
Association for Computing Machinery
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta)
Black Student Alliance
Catholic Campus Ministry
Christian Student Center at UNA
Cinematic Arts & Theatre (CAT) Guild
Collaborative Club
College of Democrats
Communication Ambassadors
Delight Ministries
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
DSS Peer Mentors (Delta Alpha Pi Honors Society Chapter Zeta Zeta)
English Club
French Culture Club
Geography Club
Healthy Lion Council
History Club
History Graduate Student Association
Honors Student Organization
Lambda Sigma Phi
Latin-Hispanic Alliance
Life Underwood Baptist Church
Mexican Culture Organization
North Alabama Model United Nations (Model UN)
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Philosophy Club
Photo & Digital Media Club
Pi Kappa Alpha
Psychology Club
Quad City College
Sanders College of Business & Technology (COBT) Ambassadors
Sherrod Avenue College Ministry
Spanish Club (Club Ñ)
String Studio at UNA
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Student Nursing Association
The 15-Minute Project
The Percussion Association at UNA
The Well
TRIO Leadership
UNA Public Relations - Lion PR
Women in Business
Woodmont College Ministry
RSO Registration
Students interested in forming a new organization at UNA should first review the Registered Student Organization Handbook. The handbook is available digitally on the Center for Student Engagement website or printed in the Center for Student Engagement office.
To register a new organization, students must meet the following criteria:
- Recruit and maintain three (3) students as members of the organization. Members must be currently enrolled students at the university.
- Obtain a faculty or staff advisor. Advisors may be full-time or part-time university employees.
- Draft a constitution under which the proposed organization plans to operate. A sample Constitution may be found here. Organizations affiliated with an inter/national organization may utilize the format approved by their affiliated organization.
- Organizations affiliated with an inter/national organization or governing board must submit a letter of authorization from the inter/national organization or external governing board. These letters should be on the inter/national organization’s official letterhead and it should identify a point of contact for the inter/national organization or governing board.
- Finally, organizations must acknowledge they meet all registration certification requirements as outlined in this handbook.
Once the above requirements for starting a new organization have been met, the charter member must register the organization on Campus Groups using the following steps:
- Log in to Campus Groups on a desktop, laptop, or tablet.
- When logged in, click on “Groups” located at the top of the page.
- Click on “Register New Organization”
- Complete the information requested and submit.
The deadlines for submitting new organization information are as follows:
- Fall semester: by October 1st
- Spring semester: by February 15th
The Center for Student Engagement will review the submitted information and approve, ask for modifications, or reject the request. Requiring modifications means that there is information that needs to be corrected before the request can be approved. Once the Center for Student Engagement has approved the registration form, the organization is entitled to all the rights and privileges of an RSO and must follow the proper steps to maintain good standing with the university. All new organizations must wait one semester after approval before the group is eligible to request Student Allocation Funding.
Annual renewal takes place between the first day of fall classes and October 1st.
RSOs in good standing can maintain this status by renewing their registration with the Center for Student Engagement each year during the annual renewal period. Follow the timeline listed below in order to remain in good standing on campus and utilize the available resources:
- Complete the Group Re-Registration form on Campus Groups by October 1st.
RSOs that do not meet these requirements by October 1st will lose their good standing status and all resource privileges for the remainder of the fall semester. These RSOs may redeem their good standing status for the spring semester if they update their online Campus Groups portal and complete the student leader tracks and checklists training. Any RSO that does not meet the requirements by February 15th will become inactive, and be assumed to no longer function as a student organization.
- Students interested in re-registering an inactive RSO must follow the same guidelines and procedures as starting a new organization.
- The Center for Student Engagement will review the former RSO’s information to confirm there were no records of violation of university policies, outstanding bills, or other required documentation. If any matters initiating the closure of the organization are unresolved, the new organization will be denied registration until such matters are
- If the organization is eligible for reactivation, the RSO will be approved on Campus Groups.
RSO Resources
Student organizations are encouraged to register all events on Campus Groups and track attendance at those events. A detailed video on how to both create an event and track participation can be viewed below.
*This video was originally recorded for allocation training. There may be references to allocations throughout the video.
Student organizations in good-standing have the opportunity to utilize Center for Student Engagement resources. A full list of available equipment that can be checked out can be found on the online reservation form). In order to check out equipment, organizations must complete the following:
- Submit the equipment reservation form no later than 24 hours in advance of the date/time needed.
- A staff member will review the reservation and confirm that the items are available for the requested dates and times.
- The student organization is responsible for picking up the equipment during the Center of Student Engagement’s hours of operation (Monday - Friday, 8am-4:30pm). At this time, the equipment will be checked out directly to the individual.
- All checked out equipment must be returned back to the office no later than 24 hours after the event ends. If the event ends on a Friday, or on a day that has a weekend or holiday following, the equipment must be turned in by the next available business day.
Any damages to equipment may result in a fine to the individual who checked out the equipment or the organization may be responsible for replacing the damaged items.
The University Print Shop is available for a number of print needs for your organization’s events. Any RSO wishing to utilize the Print Shop will need to first set up a Student Printing Account through the Print Shop website ( For questions, students may also meet with the Print Room Operator located in the basement of Cramer Way for a consultation. Please note that fees will apply based on your print needs.
RSOs may also add digital graphics to the LED screen in the GUC Atrium as well as the screen outside the entrance to the Center for Student Engagement. Graphics must be formatted in a landscape, 16:9 aspect ratio and submitted to
The Guillot University Center (GUC) is scheduled through the Department of University Center Operations and Events Management.
Rooms can be tentatively scheduled through the University Center Operations and Event Management Office. Reservation forms are available in GUC 107 and on the Department Webpage and should be returned to GUC 107. Checking the University Events Calendar is helpful in selecting dates for major events and avoiding conflict with previously scheduled events. Unless you receive confirmation, do not consider your event as booked. Completion of a form does not constitute a booked event. Reservations are not confirmed until a Reservation Form has been completed and received by the University Center Operations and Event Management Office and a confirmation email is received by the requestor stating that the request has been processed and on the calendar. Reservation requests for academic areas can be made after classes have been in session for two weeks of the current semester.
Campus Reservation Forms and a full list of GUC Operations policies can be accessed on the University Center Operations and Events Management web page:
Guidelines and Procedures
RSOs must be in good standing with the university to be eligible to use resources including: Student Engagement RSO resources and equipment, reserving spaces on campus, setting up promotional tables, team participation in university events, and applying for Student Allocation Funding*.
To be granted good standing status:
- The RSO must maintain at least three (3) active student members who are currently enrolled in classes at UNA (except during summer semesters).
- The RSO must have no outstanding financial balance beyond 30 days with the university.
- The RSO must have at least one (1) representative complete the in-person leadership and budget training.
- The RSO must have an active faculty or staff advisor at all times.
- The RSO must have fully completed the annual renewal process by the deadline.
- The RSO must have up-to-date information in their Campus Groups group, specifically the President and Advisor positions.
- All officers/leadership positions in the RSO must be held by enrolled students.
The Director of Student Activities & Leadership Development may revoke good standing status if an RSO is violating university policies, the student handbook, the RSO Handbook, or violates any conditions of registration. Organizations suspended from campus automatically lose good standing status.
*Please note that there are additional requirements that must be met in order for an organization to qualify for Student Allocation Funding. Please refer to the current Student Allocation Manual for these requirements.
Transitioning leadership is the process of outgoing leaders/officers meeting with newly elected officers. RSOs that fail to do this struggle to maintain long-term organizational success. During registration and annual renewal, RSOs identify when they host elections. Those that host elections in the Fall must update their Campus Groups portal by December 1st. RSOs that host elections in the Spring must update their Campus Groups portal by May 1st. That means that the outgoing officers can update who can access certain resources and who will receive communication.
Transitioning by the deadline ensures the correct individuals receive important communication. Until updates are made, the RSO is unable to utilize electronic resources and former officers will receive communication. If the outgoing officers fail to make the necessary updates by the deadline, new officers may schedule an appointment with the Director of Student Activities & Leadership Development to become oriented with Campus Groups and make the necessary updates.
All student organizations are expected to follow the Code of Student Conduct.
The Code of Student Conduct and the student conduct process apply to the conduct of students and University of North Alabama affiliated RSOs. The Code of Student Conduct applies to behaviors that take place on campus, and at UNA-sponsored events and may also apply off-campus when the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Student Conduct or designee determines that the off-campus conduct may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of him/herself or others; and/or impinges upon the rights, property or achievements of self or others or significantly breaches the peace and/or causes social disorder; and/or is detrimental to the educational mission and/or interests of the University.
To report incidents that may be a violation of University of Alabama policies, please visit here. Reports will be reviewed and addressed by the appropriate office. The reporter may be contacted for clarification or further information. In the case of an emergency please contact 911, local police, or University of North Alabama Police Department.