Cellular & Molecular Biology Minor

A minor in cellular & molecular biology may be a suitable minor For students who are not biology majors.  Much of the coursework for health professions schools can be found within this minor.

Course Semester Hours
BI 111 Principles of Biology 4
BI 112 Principles of Biology 4
BI 200W Biological Literature 2
BI 306 Genetics 4
BI 441 Biochemistry 3
BI 307 Microbiology OR BI 375 Cell Biology 4
Select one of the following:
BI 311 Animal Physiology 4
BI 406 Microbial Ecology  and Evolution 4
BI 409 Immunology 4
BI 415 Molecular Biology 4
BI 433 Embryology 4
BI 471 Parasitology 4
BI 472 Histology 4