Scheduling Appointments (instructions)
Please note, not all tutors can be scheduled for a one-on-one appointments. If you do not see your tutor name on the drop down list below, you will need to visit them in the Drop-in STEM Study Center area.
When making an appointments, let your math tutor know what you need help with (include your course name and number). Provide as much detail as you can so that you and your math tutor can utilize your 30 minute appointment. If no details are provided by the student, the math tutor may cancel the appointment.
Do not make appointments for more than two weeks in advance.
Schedule Appointments Here:
Or click here for our full Bookings page - the page will open in a new window.
Find the tutor for your class on the list below:
If you make an appointment for a course not listed on the table above, the appointment will be canceled. If you make an appointment with a tutor that does not service your specific course, the appointment will be canceled. All appointments and cancellations go to your UNA email.
When it's time for you appointment go to the...
Make sure you SIGN IN when you get there by scanning the QR code and entering your information.