Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer Information Systems (CIS)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT) with a choice of three concentrations:
- Cybersecurity
- Software Development
- Accelerated Master's Program (AMP)
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Science
- Cybersecurity
- HCI Development CIS
- HCI Development CS
Where do I fit?
- I want to learn computer architecture and advanced programming skills
- I excel in mathematics and developing algorithms to solve problems
- I want to be a software engineer, software developer, or work in a scientific computing field
- I want learn how to use, connect, and manage information technologies
- I enjoy working with computer hardware and software
- I want to be a systems administrator, application / web developer, information security analyst, or database administrator
- I want to learn how business and information technology work together
- I enjoy business operations and working with computers and software
- I want to be an entrepreneur, support technician, business systems analyst, project manager, or IT manager
Student Outcomes and Program Objectives
- Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
- Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
- Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
- Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
- Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
Program-specific Student Outcomes
6. Support the delivery, use, and management of information systems within an information systems environment. [CIS]6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. [CS]
6. Use systematic approaches to select, develop, apply, integrate, and administer secure computing technologies to accomplish user goals. [IT]
Mission Statement
The Mission of the University of North Alabama is to be innovative, inclusive, engaged, evolving, and global.
Program Educational Objectives
Computer Information Systems: Within five years after completion of the program, students should be able to:
- Contribute to economic development and society through the application and management of computer information systems for business, government, service, and research.
- Progress in their careers in organizations by using computer information systems skills and by understanding evolving business and technological issues.
- Continue their professional development through advanced study and research as they stay abreast of emerging technologies and their societal impact.
- Hold a leadership position in their chosen career path.
- Effectively communicate technical concepts to a variety of audiences and stakeholders.
- Engage in their profession by participation in associations, community service, and/or mentorship opportunities.
- Demonstrate professionalism by showing integrity, punctuality, respect, and effective communication, thereby, contributing positively to their teams and promoting a healthy, collaborative work environment.
Computer Science: Within five years after completion of the program, students should be able to:
- Contribute to technological innovation and society through the application of computer science to research, industry, or government.
- Progress in their careers in organizations by using computer science theory and skills and by understanding evolving technological issues.
- Continue their professional development through advanced study and research as they stay abreast of emerging technologies and their societal impact.
- Hold a leadership position in their chosen career path.
- Effectively communicate technical concepts to a variety of audiences and stakeholders.
- Engage in their profession by participation in associations, community service, and/or mentorship opportunities.
- Demonstrate professionalism by showing integrity, punctuality, respect, and effective communication, thereby, contributing positively to their teams and promoting a healthy, collaborative work environment.
Information Technology: Within five years after completion of the program, students should be able to:
- Contribute to technological innovation and society through the application of information technology to research, industry, and government.
- Progress in their careers in organizations by using information technology theory and skills and by understanding evolving technological issues.
- Continue their professional development through advanced study and research as they stay abreast of emerging technologies and their societal impact.
- Hold a leadership position in their chosen career path.
- Effectively communicate technical concepts to a variety of audiences and stakeholders.
- Engage in their profession by participation in associations, community service, and/or mentorship opportunities.
- Demonstrate professionalism by showing integrity, punctuality, respect, and effective communication, thereby, contributing positively to their teams and promoting a healthy, collaborative work environment.
The program educational objectives of the Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, and Information Technology programs support the philosophy of the University's mission by recognizing that our graduates will have taken advantage of the educational opportunities and will be making contributions valued by the University, as expressed in its mission. These include elements of discovery and creative accomplishment as well as participation in professional, civic, social, cultural, and economic development needs of our region in the context of a global community.
Program Consistencies
The University of North Alabama is situated in northwest Alabama in the Shoals Metropolitan Area. UNA is within a triangle formed by the cities of Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee and Birmingham, Alabama and is about 130 miles from each. About 70 miles away is Huntsville, Alabama. Our student population is largely drawn from a 12 county service area within about 50 miles of campus and it is these students who are the core of our targeted student services objectives. Our student population consists of a large number of first generation college students, many who are employed either full-time or part-time. The programs in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems are designed to meet the needs of regional, national, and global employers. Regional employers are our key stakeholders. Employer categories include defense and aerospace contractors, military and civilian government agencies, hospitals, manufacturing, professional and financial, and technology companies. Other key stakeholders include the students in our programs and our graduates. CSIS faculty and College administration also have a stake in our programs, in the success of each program, and in the success of our students.
Process for Review of the Program Educational Objectives
The process for program educational objectives review is described below:
- The formal review of the program educational objectives will take place once every 5 years following the approval of the updated University Mission and 5-year Strategic Plan. However, the program educational objectives will be distributed at each Computing Advisory Council meeting for faculty and CAC members. =
- After review at the Fall CAC meeting, the PEOs will be distributed and reviewed by the following groups:
- Sanders College of Business and Technology Administrative and Curriculum Committee (COBACC).
- A group of CSIS students representing each major.
- The Director of Accreditation and Department Chair will convene to make a final editorial review of the document and address any comments from COBACC and the student representatives.
- The resulting program educational objective statements will be posted to the departmental website for public inspection along with contact information for making inquiries and suggestions. These items will be archived by the Departmental Administrative Assistant, the Department Chair, and the Director of Accreditation.
The program educational objectives and the review process was formally reviewed during the Fall 2024 Computing Advisory Council Meeting, incorporating proposed changes from past years and to align the review process with the university 5-year strategic plan ( For inquiries or suggestions, contact: Dr. Janet T. Jenkins, Professor and Director of Accreditation – CSIS (
Computer Science Labs
- HCI/UX Lab
- CyberSecurity Lab
- Linux Lab
- Artificial Intelligence Lab
- Server Room
Advising and Other Resources
- CSIS Advising
- Undergraduate Advising
- Graduate Advising
- Business Micro-Credentials and Certificates
- Business Minors
- Computing Scholarship